In search of the great sequoia
Someone heard from somebody else that there was a giant sequoia tree in the middle of Pine Valley
National our adventure team...the A-team as we call ourselves...set out to find it. The day started
with a sunrise hike on Angel's Landing with some amazing pictures and views. Just Dennis and I did the
morning hike. But as you can see the sky was amazing and worth the effort so early! Fall is so FUN!
we also played some pine cone baseball and started a fire. All in all it was a great adventure day. The A-team will continue its adventures and remember....Plum's the Word!
National our adventure team...the A-team as we call ourselves...set out to find it. The day started
with a sunrise hike on Angel's Landing with some amazing pictures and views. Just Dennis and I did the
morning hike. But as you can see the sky was amazing and worth the effort so early! Fall is so FUN!
It was a little breezy but beautiful!!
As Dennis and I were finishing breakfast at a cafe, my A-team friend Jessica (pictured left)
planned an adventure to find the a giant sequoia tree in Pine Valley National Forest. The only
directions we had were to take the Browse exit off I-15.
After driving in a town of 20 for 2 minutes, we asked some people who were fixing a van outside a house.
They had no clue what we were talking about but then found a local who knew of the tree!! He, through his
facial expressions and tone of voice, made it clear that our 7 mile off road journey was not worth it. BUT...
planned an adventure to find the a giant sequoia tree in Pine Valley National Forest. The only
directions we had were to take the Browse exit off I-15.
After driving in a town of 20 for 2 minutes, we asked some people who were fixing a van outside a house.
They had no clue what we were talking about but then found a local who knew of the tree!! He, through his
facial expressions and tone of voice, made it clear that our 7 mile off road journey was not worth it. BUT...
WE MADE IT!!!! Jessica's sister, Cherise is visiting from TX while her husband is serving our country.
Dennis and a few others took a swing on the tree...
Dennis and a few others took a swing on the tree...
pondered over the trickling brook....(Anthony and Jessica)
And Cherise missed David her husband.
we also played some pine cone baseball and started a fire. All in all it was a great adventure day. The A-team will continue its adventures and remember....Plum's the Word!